Friday, March 19, 2010


I took the kids (Mia, Aqim and Nabil) to McD today to have lunch and decided to tapau because there was no parking spot available.

On the way home, Mia counted the order and found one extra McChicken. As I was about to turn my car around to return the extra McChicken that we didnt order, I remembered some time last year, we went to the same restaurant, and we were short of 4 fries... which means now they are just simply paying us what was short then...

Hm... one positive thing after another happened before my eyes... Allahuakbar... Allah is answering my prayers to help me shake off all the negative thoughts in my head and the negative vibes surrounding me... Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamiin...


  1. See.. the world is not ganging up against u./ You have done so much good to the world, why would they do that to you. Cuma those handful ungrateful no good as***le je yg dengki kat you. Dont think about them, think about those who love you like your beautiful children and friends (like me).. *grin.

  2. Thanks Nora... good advice... :)
