Thursday, March 18, 2010


Some people are so arrogant, walking on this planet with their heads looking at the sky, and in the process stepping on whatever is on their way...

They are so bloody conceited and impertinent that they actually think that the rest of the world is revolving around them and the existence of others are predominantly created with the intention of serving them.

God gives them relatively easy lives, but they take it as a grand frivolous privilege to be lavishly used and abused. They walk by stomping their feet with their nose stuck up to the air to show to the people around them their superciliousness.

God gives them relatively better health than the others, but they aloof themselves into condescension to the level of pharaoh liking themselves to the God itself.

Their arrogance later made them perceive that they can seize anything their arrogant hearts desire from whomever they can point their fingers at. Their blatant disregard to others, old or otherwise, is often displayed by their pouty unashamed mouths uttering words which belittle and ridicule others shamelessly as well as endlessly.

They never know how to be grateful to even God. The word thank you, please or I am sorry are non-existent in their vocabulary. When people lend a hand to them, they just snatch it away with rough and with haste. They take away or steal and rob others' belongings and properties in broad daylight with ease and without an iota of remorse.

Were they born with that mindset? Or is it a nurtured personality shaped by deliberate upbringing by self-righteous parents?

I have been living with these savages for almost half of my lifetime. Unknowingly I let myself succumb to the rules that they consciously impose on me. For a good chunk of those years I lived under the same roof as "him" alone, not realising that "he" was actually part of "them" who subscribe to the one and only agenda, that is to reduce me to their subservient insignificant being with sole purpose of life was to give in to their entire desires and longings.

The last of those arrogant bastards has finally given up tonight. I am not sure if they know that what their parents have brought them to be was actually to breed them to become LOSERS!!! I am also not certain if they realise that LOSERS have no destiny except to GET LOST.

Albeit, finally the last of those from the LOSERS clan, who has been banging on my door bugging and annoying me and my family, has retreated and admitted a BIG LOSS tonight.

And I have only God to thank for it.

Thank you Allah. Alhamdulillah.

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