Sunday, April 19, 2009

Muaz worries me...

I think the predicament that I am in right now is taking its toll on Muaz... I notice that he is sinking deeper and deeper into depression. We used to be able to talk, but lately that is almost impossible to do. Whenever I tried to make him talk, he would just shrug his shoulders and said “tak tau” or just keep quiet. He is keeping more to himself now.

This, needless to say, worries me... I dont know how to reach to him. I have said all that a mother should say to him, I think. But the more I try the more he keeps to himself...

(Before he shut me out completely) I did ask him if the divorce proceeding that I am going through is bothering him. He said no. I asked again if his father was bothering him, to this question he admitted that he was tired of his father asking him the same questions over and over about me and trying to make him side with him later in court when he will be asked to stand as a witness. I asked again, if he wanted to live with him, he said no. I finally asked him this, “Your father refuses to let me go, and is trying all means to make me move back in with him. Let me ask you this, do you want us back together?” And he answered without hesitation, NO.

Since that last talk, he shut me out completely...


  1. Mummy-Mia,
    I can feel the frustration in your writing. This is why the west thinks we are backwards when it comes to women's right - it's not the religion, it's the men who run the system! But how can we argue this, when all the men that run all the countries with shariah law consistently behave the same way! Note, I said ALL, if I am mistaken, please give me an example to the contrary.

    Our religion is the first to allow women to seek divorce and to own property. So I wonder why it is so difficult for these men to grant us that right? It's stories like this that make we wish women overthere can seek divorce in civil court. Ini belum lagi masuk bab-bab harta dan anak. Over here, even if you are a stay at home wife, property accumulated during the marriage is considered "community" property. And the wife is entitled to an alimony after divorce so that she can maintain the same lifestyle that she had when she was married. Of course easier said than done, undang-undang lain, but the reinforcement may be another story.

    Anyway, be strong - your son will come around.

  2. Farizahb
    Thanks for your words of encouragement. At trying times like this, I need all the supports that I can get. Though I dont know you, and you live half the globe away, the knowledge that somewhere out there somebody is praying for me sometimes is sufficient to give me that extra hope or strength that I need... Thank you so much.
