Sunday, February 27, 2011

Movie night...

Last night was the first time I purchased a movie on astro first. The kids have been asking me to buy a movie ever since the program first started. But I never felt that it was worth it... but this weekend my sister is here for the weekend with his son... so, the kids are using her... "please mummy... mak yang pun nak tengok juga..."

The movie was "Khurafat"... alahai... despite banyak pujian that I heard about the movie review... to me the movie macam movie retro je... banyaknya flaws pulak tu...

1. org dlm movie tu dah tau kena "ganggu"... duduk rumah dalam gelap, tak buka lampu...
2. hospital pun gelap... mana ada hospital yg tutup lampu masa tidur... in fact aku selalu gaduh dgn nurse kalau aku masuk hospital, sebab aku mintak dia tutup lampu, dia cakap tak boleh...  grrr...
3. bilik mayat pun gelap...
4. heronya keje atendan bilik mayat je, tapi bawa kereta mewah... I think it was either harrier or lexus... and rumahnya jugak... mak ai...
5. Liyana Jasmay yg selalu bawa watak budak nakal tu diberi watak perempuan dewasa yg alim... adoi... tak kena langsung.... and tak menjadi pun...
6. Dialog/skrip nya... mcm movie 80an... cerita2 mcm menanti hari esok... azura... mcm tak berkembang langsung industri filem melayu ni...

Nasib baik tengok kat astro first, RM15 je for 7 persons... kalau tengok kat TGV, at least RM100 (tickets plus pop corn)... alangkah ruginya... ish ish ish...

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