Saturday, November 20, 2010


A very memorable AidilAdha indeed...

Inilah kali pertama seumur hidup aku tengok lembu disembelih betul2 depan mata... lembu tu pulaknya jinak, the night before they were to be slaughtered, MJ and the kids boleh main2 lagi dgn 2 ekor lembu tu... they must have known that they were going to do something for a noble cause...

And being a hypertensive patient myself, I shouldnt be eating so much beef... tapi that day, sebab the beef and bone were so fresh, I couldnt help myself... I think I drank up 3 bowls of soup and a couple of plates of rice to go with that... adoi... lepas ni kena go on a strict diet... cant go on giving excuse "ala sekali sekala apa salahnya..." because the sekali sekala has really turned out to be banyak kali banyak kala... *grin...

MJ and his family bought 2 cows for qurban this year... One was for the 7 of us (MJ, me and our 5 kids). And the other one was divided among 7 members of his siblings and parents. Even though this raya was extremely simple raya, (simple means no baju raya, no kuih raya, no visiting relatives), I felt utterly happy and contented... 

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