I spent my raya haji recently at my inlaws' house in Johor... as I wrote in my last entry, it was one raya that I will remember for a long time if not foroever...
One of the events that made it memorable is related to the title above...
My MIL and FIL have 11 children, all are married now. And between them I think they have more than 30 grandchildren. Recently they have been blessed with yet another grandaughter, a beautiful Putri something (I forgot her full name - ramai sangat anak sedara, susah nak ingat nama *grin). As usual, adat melayu (and Jawa too, btw, my inlaws are Javanese), masa confinement we would stay with our parents ("we" mean the ladies). So, following the tradition, that was just what my youngest SIL did...
Unfortunately, during the stay, my MIL had an argument (more like a confrontation) with my SIL's husband which resulted in him swearing (bersumpah) to never set his foot in my MIL's house again... Adoi... itu lah orang melayu (Jawa pun sama)... suka sangat bersumpah-sumpah... consequently, during the raya haji recently, when he came he had to stay outside la kan... because he had to honour his sumpah... At first I didnt know about it, so I wondered why he was staying outside while my SIL was with us inside the house... It was another SIL that explained to me... hmm...
Suddenly I remembered another person in the family (one of my MIL's daughter in law) who once also did take the exact same oath (sumpah) some 20 years ago... she also pledged that she would never set her foot in my MIL's house ever again... tapi sekarang selamba badak je pulak keluar masuk rumah orang tua tu sesuka hati dia je... *grin **wink...
That's why orang tua2 selalu pesan... be careful with what you say... terlajak perahu boleh berundur, terlajak kata buruk padahnya... bersumpah-sumpah ni tak baik... kalau muka tak malu boleh lah selamba je jilat balik kata2 sumpahan sendiri... *grin... kalau tidak, kenalah selama hayat dikandung badan menanggung sumpahan yg dilafaz sendiri, samada secara sengaja atau tak sengaja... kan susah tu...