Thursday, December 3, 2009


I tire easily nowadays....

Work at the office is almost "uncatchupable"... if there is such a word... meaning I cannot catch up with the pace... one deadline after another, actually many of the deadlines are overlapping...

I seriously think that I'm getting too old for this kind of job... I approached the management, asking to step down and for them to appoint someone younger... their answer "Yes, you can step down, but please groom someone to take over..." Adoi...

The problem with young people nowadays, at least those working under my supervision right now, they dont like challenges. They just want to come in at 9am, conduct whatever sessions/classes/seminars/etc that they have to do and go back at 5pm... but they want good pay...

I am really tired... really really really tired... rasa macam anytime can pengsan now... really...

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel, because I facde the same thing too. Maybe it's our age..

    That's why I refuse to go back full time. I don't think I can take the pressure.
