Monday, September 14, 2009

Nabil and memory of Raya 2001

This entry has been in a draft folder for quite some time... and I am posting it at 1am 24 Oct 2009.

My mind is working overtime again...

Lately, I find it so hard to fall asleep...

So, I am doing what most sensible girl would do... blogging... hehe...

As I read the entries that I have written, I noticed that I forgot to write about Nabil on his birthday like I did on Muaz's and Amin's birthday...

Sorry Nabil...

So, here it is...

Actually a lot has happened in the gap that I didnt post any entries... among others...

I turned 39 for the 6th time on 16 August :) No big celebration, just an intimate dinner with kids... their dad bought me an expensive gift... I took it (kata orang rezeki jangan ditolak, maut jangan dicari)... I used it several times but later decided I should not have used it. So I put it back in the shopping bag that it was brought in...

After my promotion, my immediate superior resigned and the organisation has not appointed a replacement yet. Which explains my absence from the world of blogging...

I have also been outstation several times, to Penang (again) and Kuala Trengganu (in Ramadhan). Plus I had to go to Ampang branch a few times for internal audit and training of new staff... twice in Ramadhan... letih...

My Nabil turned 8 on 10th September... my youngest boy... actually I'm still treating him like a baby, and I think he too must think that he is still a baby... up to a point that he occasionally still wets his bed...

But his life has been a dramatic one, despite baru 8 years...

Like my other children, Nabil was also born prematurely (30 weeks) with a mere weight of 1.68kg. My late mother said, that was an equivalent to ikan tenggiri. :) I gave birth at a private maternity clinic in Klang, and he couldnt breath on his own. The Dr had wrongly estimated his lungs condition and was not prepared to treat such condition. The clinic contacted Klang GH (HTAR) but was turned down. Nabil was later transferred to KL GH. And despite being premature, I delivered him via C-section as he was lying transverse in my womb. I was only discharged after 4 days and immediately driven to KL GH to join him there. (Gov hospital policy: mother and newborn baby must be warded together if either one is not well enough to be discharged).

We were both discharged after almost 2 months bermastautin di KL GH tu...

Everything was fine until he was 3 months old. Unlike his brothers and sister, he was a cryer (kuat menangis), sometimes for no apparent reasons. One day when I was at work, the maid called and asked me to come home immediately, she claimed that she knew why Nabil cried a lot and she didnt know the name of the illness here. She wanted me to come home so that she could show it to me. Rupanya it was a hernia or angin pasang. In fact it was a double hernia, on his navel and just above his bird.... He had to undergo an operation, and it was performed a few days before Raya 2001 (December).

And that Raya was my turn to follow him (my kids' daddy) to spend the Raya at his mother's, I had no problem with that. But the night before the trip, he told me that his other wife's sister and 3 kids were going to ride with us. And the way that he told me, it was actually an instruction and there was no room for discussion. I said, between my 5 kids, me, himself and another 4 stowaways, the ride would be very uncomfortable. What more with a baby who just underwent an operation. So, I disagreed with his plan. And because of that, he literally "cursed" me and told me to not ever balik kg with him.. he literally "halau" me and the kids to balik kg to my mother's place in Perak. And I had no problem with that as well... He just went off and left us ...

As for me and my kids, we went back to Perak after solat subuh the next day (on the Raya day)...

Later (at a raya visit to his brother in Pandan), his sister in law told me what happened during the Raya at his kg. He was telling about my "derhaka" attitude "loudly" at the last buka puasa gathering at his mother's house and he referred to me as "perempuan tu"...

But God is really almighty... all just and fair... all compassionate... that night he sent his brother in law (his wife's brother) to KL to pick the sister and 3 kids that were supposed to tumpang us. On the way to KL, on the PLUS highway, the front windscreen broke for no apparent reason... So, his brother in law ended up spending Raya in a workshop... and the sister and 3 kids only reached kg on the second day of raya...

Anyway... that raya was not a bad raya after all... I got a brand new nephew... my sister who went balik kg to raya with my mum, ended in the hospital to have her 5th child... My brother who works and lives in Kuching Sarawak also were there...

I went back to Shah Alam on the 3rd day of raya but he only came back after a week... and he was still angry and blamed me on the mishap that happened to his brother in law on the PLUS highway...

He never did apologise... somehow that event just faded and passed and forgotten... I dont know if I have forgiven him for what he did that raya... hm...

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