Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Forgive ur enemies?

Oscar Wilde said Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much...

Really? Forgive my enemies? Forgive them? Forgive the ungrateful arrogant parasites? I have one word to sum up my answer... as Nanny Fine put it... it starts with an N and ends with an A..


To me, as for now... giving back what they deserve gives much much sweeter satisfaction...

So sweet... I can almost taste it...

So sweet... I can almost feel my blood sugar rising...

So satisfying... I definitely sleep better at night now...

So satisfying... my kids say I even smile in my sleep now...


  1. Sweet revenge? Hahahaha!!!

    I don't blame you, sometimes they need to be taught that way!

  2. sweet indeed... cant stop grinning from ear to ear... hihihihihi...
